Oncology Department-北京慈安堂中医门诊中医医院


Department of Tumor


      The traditional way to treat cancer is by surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but the final result is not as good as expected referring to life quality and money spent.  For patients, the greatest threat is not the cancer itself, but the severe side effects and difficulties to stop the spread and metastases of the tumor.  So, people are eager to find something that not only can kill cancer cells but also has non-toxic side effects, which is the "magic panacea".  Especially the medicine with high-efficiency and low toxicity impacts becomes the target pursuit by the medical profession. Thousands of years of Chinese history in Traditional Chinese Medicine, with its unique advantages, has attracted the attention of international medical community.

 To promote the development in the field of Chinese medicine of treating cancer, we have invited Prof. Hu Yufang, Prof. Jin Jingyu, Prof. Zhang Peitong, and other authoritative experts to established department of Tumor in TCM.  The special "no toxic chemotherapy, Chinese medicine to kill cancer” method is used to treat Glioma, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Lung cancer, Esophageal cancer, Gastric cancer, Colorectal cancer, Hepatic carcinoma, Gallbladder carcinoma, Rectal cancer, Breast cancer, Lymph cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Bone cancer, Leukemia and other type of cancer.  And it reaches a good result in control of Pleural effusion, Ascites, pain relieve and Cancer metastasis.  Also, it solves the previous problem that TCM has slow impacts on treating cancer.  A method of nourishing Chi and killing cancer cell directly represents a brand new way of treating cancer in TCM filed, which is to "kill cancer efficiently with no toxic chemotherapy". C21, the new extract from natural plants, broad-spectrum tumor suppressor, is developed a series of "Chinese medicine chemotherapy pills to treat organs tumors, which is highly praised by "People's Daily".

        Department of Oncology is led by Prof. Wang Pei, the Grand Master of Chinese Medicine, and other authority oncologists, such us Prof. Jin Jingyu, Prof. Li Yinglin, Prof. Zhang Shiyun, Prof. Guan Tianyun, Prof. Rao Xieqing, Prof. Ye Peizhi, Prof. Ze Jun, Prof. Lu Wenping to serve the public. The treatment model is “Reduce the toxic of chemotherapy, Chinese medicine to kill cancer cell” Stand for pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica combine with syndrome differentiation and treatment of TCM, modern medicine, TCM immunosuppressive therapy, toxic or other antitumor Chinese medicine and integrative medicine in oncology, can be used in clinical.

        The Department serves to treat glioma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, hepatic carcinoma, gallbladder carcinoma, rectal cancer, breast cancer, lymph cancer, ovarian cancer, bone cancer, leukemia and other type of cancer.  Early detection and early diagnosis of oncology is very important at first, mid-stage for strategies to control cancer, improve chemotherapy cure effect, reduce toxic and side effect, improve life quality and extend survival period in last-stage.