Eye Department-北京慈安堂中医门诊中医医院


?Ophthalmology Treatment Center


       Department of Ophthalmology treatment center has gathered numerous top Ophthalmology experts including Dr. Han Guier, Dr. Pang Hong, Dr. Liu Weifang, Dr. Li Dongmei and Dr. Wang Weiming to serve the public. Through the treatment on acupuncture, Chinese medicine and advanced equipment to release eyes problems for you. Lead on the Dr. Wang Weiming whom come from TCM family descendants, take Traditional Chinese Medicine combined with Europe and America TCM doctors to created the treatment of eye "holographic control technique", and formed an unique eye therapy team. Use the TCM theory of liver treatment to cure on Ophthalmology. Through the formula of acupuncture on eyes and looking for systemic disease specific sensitive point to improve vision. With modern science of eye muscle training method, distance focuses training adjustment method, amblyopia training, red flicker on and other technical means, can rapidly improve vision and improve symptoms. With quick, short course


       The Department serves to treat myopia, amblyopia, astigmatism, strabismus, optic neuropathy, xerophthalmia, black eye, pouch and  asthenopia.